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About logging

This document explains logging to a system administrator of a Lino production site.

Lino comes with a sophisticated framework for logging, which gets activated automatically. You can choose to not use it by defining your own LOGGING and LOGGING_CONFIG settings.

We assume that you have read the Django’s doc about Logging.

Developers will also want to read About logging.

The log directory

When a Lino process starts up, it checks whether there is a subdirectory named log in the local site directory. If such a directory exists, Lino automatically activates file logging to a file named lino.log in that directory. The log directory may be a symbolic link to a directory below /var/log/.


A subdirectory of a Lino site’s project directory that contains the lino.log file.


The name of Lino’s logger file.

Default value is lino.log. You can change this name by setting the logger_filename attribute of your Site class.

Until 20160729 it was system.log.

On a production site you can have multiple processes running on a same site at the same time, which can lead to conflicts because these processes write to a same lino.log file. That’s why we also have a log server.

log server

A background process used when multiple processes need to write to a same lino.log file on a production site. Lino

Lino provides a built-in log server, which you must start by running the linod admin command.

Lino logging configuration

Some settings influence logging:

Setting the logging level via the environment

You can use environment variables LINO_LOGLEVEL LINO_FILE_LOGLEVEL to control the logging level.


The logging level to use for both console and file handlers. It should be one of INFO, DEBUG etc.


The logging level to use for file handlers (the lino.log file) when you want this to be different from LINO_LOGLEVEL. It should be one of INFO, DEBUG etc.

Configuring logrotate

To activate logging to a file, you simply add a symbolic link named log which points to the actual location:

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/log/lino/
$ sudo chown :www-data /var/log/lino/
$ sudo chmod g+ws /var/log/lino/
$ sudo mkdir /var/log/lino/prj1/
$ cd ~/mypy/prj1/
$ ln -s /var/log/lino/prj1/ log/

We recommend a file /etc/logrotate.d/lino with something like:

/path/to/lino_sites/prod/log/lino.log {
        rotate 156
        create 660 root www-data
        su root www-data

After changes in the config you can tell logrotate to force them:

$ sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/lino

Logging all bash commands to syslog

Add the following to your system-wide /etc/bash.bashrc:

# copied from
function log2syslog
   declare COMMAND
   COMMAND=$(fc -ln -0)
   logger -p local1.notice -t bash -i -- "${USER}:${COMMAND}"
trap log2syslog DEBUG