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Organizing your Python environments

When your server is going to host several production sites, then it is likely that every project wants its own virtualenv. You will create a new virtualenv for every project and store it below the project directory. We recommend to always use the same name, e.g. env.

The env directory


By convention, on a production server hosting several projects, every project directory has a subdirectory env which contains the Python environment used by that project.

Such a convention allows you for example to create an alias command like the following in your .bash_aliases file:

alias a='. env/bin/activate'

This alias is also installed by getlino.

Shared environments

OTOH every environment takes approximately 300 MB of disk space. So on a server with many production projects you might consider the possibility to offer shared environments. For example you would offer three environments old, stable and testing:

$ virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/old
$ virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/stable
$ virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/testing

And then the env of your projects would be a symbolic link to one of these environments.

When you use shared environments and update one of them, then you must of course migrate every project database which use that environment.