Installation | Topics | Beyond Lino
Update a Lino site after dist-upgrade¶
After a dist-upgrade, the following procedure may help to upgrade a virtualenv.
On a demo server¶
On a demo server there is a virtualenv named master and the path to this environment is /usr/local/lino/shared/env/master.
Deactivate the environment and change directory into the environment’s parent directory:
$ deactivate $ cd /usr/local/lino/shared/env
Rename the old environment and create a new one of same name:
$ mv master master1 $ python -m venv master
Move the and repositories from old to new env:
$ mv master1/bin/ master/bin/ $ mv master1/repositories master/
Activate the new environment:
$ source master/bin/activate
Run the pull script:
On a production server¶
Reinstall the master virtualenv with getlino:
sudo su
cd /usr/local/lino/shared/env
mv pilv pilv1
python3 -m venv pilv
. pilv/bin/activate
pip install getlino
On each production site
mv env env1
getlino startsite XXX yyy
pip install atelier # still needed
Okay to reinstall cosi to /usr/local/lino/lino_local/abservices? [y or n] Yes
Note down the current python version of the environment:
$ cat master/pyvenv.cfg
The output should look something similar to the following below:
home = /usr/local/lino/shared/env/master/bin
include-system-site-packages = true
version = 3.8.3
Take a note of the major and minor part of the version number (in our case: 3.8)